Keyboard Shortcuts
Shift + N: New project
Shift + O: Open project
Shift + S: Save project
Shift + W: Close project
Shift + E: Edit project properties
Ctrl + Z: Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z: Redo
Shift + 1: Expand the desktop
Shift + 2: Expand the timeline
Shift + 3: Show desktop and timeline
Shift + F: Full-screen
Shift + M: Setup MIDI
Shift + P: Edit application preferences
Shift + [: Open next project window
Shift + ]: Open previous project window
Space: Play/stop
Desktop And Timeline
CTRL + Left: Pan view left
CTRL + Right: Pan view right
CTRL + Up: Pan view up
CTRL + Down: Pan view down
Shift + I: Select all idle devices
Shift + U: Un-cue audio sources and cables
1, 2, 3, 4`: Switch pointer, selection, cue and hand desktop tools.
Tab: Quick Desktop Navigation (press & hold)
Pointer Tool
SHIFT + click: Add or remove devices to/from the current selection.
CTRL + C: Copy the selected devices and their timeline tracks except for the Main Output to the clipboard.
CTRL + V: Paste the clipboard contents to the desktop, left bottom aligned.
Selection Tool
SHIFT + drag: Reverse select.
Timeline View
1, 2, 3, 4: Switch pointer, pencil, razor and hand timeline tools.
+ : Zoom in, not implemented.
- : Zoom out, not implemented.
Z: Zoom to the loop segment of the selected region.
Note: plus and minus take the cursor as a reference if not playing.
]: Next snap value.
[: Previous snap value.
Note Pitch Editor
Pointer Tool
SHIFT + drag: Change velocity of selected notes.
CTRL + drag: Copy selected notes.
Draw Tool
CTRL + drag: Repeat notes with pitch lock.
CTRL + Shift + drag: Repeat notes without pitch lock.
Note Velocity Editor
Draw Tool
Shift + drag: Draw velocities with the line tool.
Automation Editor
Pointer Tool
Shift + drag: Move selected key-frames with lock value.
Alt + drag: Turn off grid snap, but snap to other event values.
Ctrl + drag: Copy selected key-frames.